Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Brew said we can find elements of art every where in our everyday lives. I almost go hit by a car when the linear perspective of this street caught my eye while leaving the museum!!


Anyone recognize?

Color Wheels - These are all non-traditional color wheels I have found. Some considered abstract, some for computer use (CMY) and one created by a 3rd grade art class! All very nice to look at.

This painting by an unknown artist of an African-American woman ironing reminds me so much of this painting by Vermeer of a Dutch woman sewing.

Fun with Illustrator! This is my first project ever in Illustrator. I find it funny how I really admire my own work, but not long before my creation, I used to cringe at those Charles Schwab commercials that created people with the same technique!

One of Lateefa's paintings, Who Is She?.

This is a portrait by an artist named Lateefa. It is called Envelope. The caption with the picture said she unable to show her work on a website she had been utilizing. She is a photographer as well as a painter and apparently her work was so good, it was mistaken as being "copyrighted" material and it was blocked from public display. I just recently discovered her work but I am already in love with her!

Activity #3

The pairing of eyes. An asymmetrical black & white.

The beautiful Orthemis Ferruginea dragonfly. The perfect subject of a symmetrical photo.


Anne Brew said...


Anonymous said...

just found a 2 year old "kudo" from Christian. thank you for that. you made my day!!